The National Cervical Screening Laboratory
The National Cervical Screening Laboratory (NCSL) is a national “centre of excellence” for cervical cancer screening in Ireland. It is the primary provider of cervical screening in Ireland and is dedicated to servicing the future needs of the Women of Ireland. The NCSL plays a key role in the national programme for cervical cancer screening and the HSE cervical cancer elimination plan.
The NCSL provides HPV testing on cervical samples, with reflex cytology on those samples that test high risk HPV positive. The NCSL has ISO 15189 accreditation (INAB reference number 420MT) through the Irish National Accreditation Board. The NCSL is staffed by highly qualified and dedicated medical consultants, medical scientists, laboratory aides and support staff.
The NCSL offers services Monday- Friday 8.00am-5pm.
The NCSL comprises of 4 departments:
Specimen Reception
Data Entry
Specimen Reception
All samples received into the NCSL are handled in specimen reception. Patient demographics are checked and samples are given accession numbers.
Data Entry
All patient samples are logged onto the laboratory information system.
All samples undergo HPV DNA testing. The NCSL tests samples for the DNA of 14 high-risk types of HPV that can cause cervical cancer. The HPV result does not differentiate between these 14 types.
If high risk HPV is detected, reflex cytology is carried out.
Information for Patients and Users of this Service