Parent Education Labour & Birth


Signs of Labour


Every woman’s labour is different and it can be difficult to know when labour has actually started. Some women can experience a sudden onset when they become aware but the majority of women experience a slow lead into labour.

The aim of this video is to help you to recognise some of the signs that labour may be starting.



Stages of Labour


Although labour can be divided into different stages, women experience labour and birth as one continuum or journey which gradually intensifies.

The aim of this video is to give you an understanding of the labour process. This education used in conjunction with the Birth Dynamics programme will give you a good understanding of how your body works during labour and birth.



Toolkit for Labour


Creating a toolkit for labour is a way of putting together all that you have learnt in preparation for childbirth. Your toolkit will contain techniques and supports to enhance both the labour process and your experience of labour and birth. We have developed a programme of antenatal education at The Coombe known as Birth Dynamics, which will assist you in building your confidence in the use of these techniques and support you through labour and birth.

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Breathing for 1st & 2nd Stage of Labour


In the first stage of labour we can use our breathing as a powerful tool to help us feel relaxed, confident and comfortable.

In this video we outline some breathing techniques that will help you throughout your labour.



Coming To Hospital and Care in Labour


Moving to the hospital for birth, means moving during labour, from the familiar territory of home to the unfamiliar territory of hospital. For many women, this transition can be stressful and it is important that you have some knowledge of hospital procedures on arrival and your care throughout labour to help you in your preparation. Your hospital team are there to support you, making sure that you remain central to your birthing experience

The aim of this video is to give you an understanding of where to go when you arrive for the birth of your baby and your care and support throughout labour and birth.



Pain Relief Options


Every woman experiences pain differently in labour and how you respond to the pain of contractions can be influenced by numerous factors including the size and shape of your pelvis, the size of your baby, how your baby is lying and positioned in the pelvis and your ability to move around during labour. 

Most importantly when you are considering your options for pain relief it is important that you are well informed about the various forms of pain relief both natural and pharmacological and that you work in partnership with your team who can assist you in your decision making.

The aim of this video is to inform you about the different methods of pain relief, their advantages and disadvantages and how and when you might use them.





When it comes to labour everyone’s experience is unique, much like how we experience pain. There are many ways to relieve pain in labour including an epidural.

This video aims to give you all the information you need about epidural, to understand what’s involved, the specific benefits, limitations as well as the potential side effects and risks.





There are times during labour when intervention may be necessary for the wellbeing of either the mother or baby. An important part of antenatal education is to educate parents on possible interventions. These include induction of labour, instrumental or assisted birth, episiotomy and artificial rupture of membranes or releasing the waters. Remember that with any intervention it is important that you understand the reason for the intervention together with the risks and benefits.

The aim of this video is to discuss some obstetric interventions and to give you an understanding of some of the reasons why intervention may be necessary.



Caesarean Birth


A caesarean birth is when the baby is born by a surgical operation called a caesarean section and takes place in an operating theatre. Caesarean sections are performed either for the health and wellbeing of the mother or the safety of the baby. A caesarean birth can be either planned (elective) or an emergency.

The aim of this video is to inform and prepare women who are planning for a caesarean birth and those who may end up on this pathway of care.



Eating at the Time of Birth


In this video we will discuss eating during labour.

The active stage of labour is hard work, and just like running a marathon you will need to keep your energy levels up.

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