Annual Service of Remembrance

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we are unable to hold our Annual Service of Remembrance.

This service was due to take place on the 19th of April in Our Lady of Dolours Church, Dolphins Barn.

If you would like to mark this day in your own home our Chaplain Renee Dilworth has provided a beautiful reflection for you to read in your own time. 


To heal in grief, it is important to remember your baby and commemorate by name today this precious being whose life ended much too soon. It is good to share memories of your baby.

In moments when you do not believe you will get through another day, cling to the belief that you will survive.  Part of healing is believing that there is a path to that healing and that you have the capacity within you to heal. Remember, the path to healing is to find ways that feel right for you to actively and openly mourn the death of your precious Baby.

“I carry your heart in my heart”    E.E.Cummings

Aoife Walsh