Hospital Charges
We advise intending patients to check with their health care insurance company before opting for semi-private or private care. The level of cover set out by your insurer is liable to change from time to time. Patients may find that their private health insurance does not cover all the costs they incur whilst in hospital, and will be expected to pay any excess in full.
Direct Payment
We operate a direct payment scheme with VHI, Laya Healthcare, Irish Life Health, Garda Medical Aid, ESB, Medical Provident Fund, and Prison Officers Medical Aid. If you are covered by any of these insurers, the relevant insurance forms are signed electronically on your admission to hospital.
Perhaps you have moved house or got married recently and have forgotten to update your health insurance details? It's extremely important for you to make sure - before you give birth - that your name, address and date of birth correspond with the name, address and date of birth your insurer has on their files and your policy.
What happens if I have no private health insurance?
Patients who request private or semi-private care and accommodation, and who are not covered by private health insurance, will be required to pay a deposit on booking, which will be deducted from your final bill.
Hospital Charges (effective 1st January 2022)
Private patients:
Fees vary depending on your chosen Consultant / Clinic. Please contact your consultant directly for details on fees.
Semi private patients:
Antenatal Fee
€750.00 Payable by patient on Consultant’s visit.
Delivery Fee (effective 1st June 2021)
Normal Delivery €342.00
Caesarean Section €513.00
Maternity Scans (Private & Semi private patients):
Private/ Semi private ultrasound scans operate on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening each week from 4.00pm to 6.20pm.
All private / semi private ultrasound scans must be paid for at the time of your scanning appointment. Fees may then be claimed back from your insurer if they are covered by your policy
Dating Scan €120.00
Anatomy Scan €200.00 (Single Pregnancy) €300.00 (Twin Pregnancy)
Cervical Length €120.00
Anatomy and Cervical Length €250.00
Fetal Well Being Scan €140.00 (Growth/Dopplers/Placenta Site)
Maximum Fee €580.00 (Single Pregnancy)
Maximum Fee €700.00 (Twin Pregnancy)
Optional Scan Charges
The following scans are based on clinical need/maternal request and are not included in the maximum fee:
Fetal Echo €270.00
Procedures (Amnio/cvs) €270.00
Pre Natal Screening - Private, Semi private, and Public patients):
Prenatal Safe (Previously Harmony Test) €460.00
Panorama Test €460.00
Perinatal Mental Health (Private and Semi private patients):
First consultation €200
Follow up consultation €200 per visit
PLEASE NOTE: Booking for Prenatal Safe and Harmony Testing is by email. Please email with the following information:
Name / Date Of Birth / Mobile Number/ Hospital Number (If Known) And First Day Of Your Last Period.
Accommodation Charges:
Single Occupancy Room per Night €1,000.00
Multi-Occupancy Room per Night €813.00
Important information:
Your first name and surname, and your address, must match the name and address on your private health insurance policy.
Please check with your private health insurer regarding your room entitlement type for your related hospital stay. You will be liable for any charges/shortfall not covered by your health insurance.
Single Occupancy accommodation is subject to availability.
Should your infant(s) require admission to the Neonatal Unit, they will be treated privately.
You should contact your private health insurer on the birth to have the infant(s) added to your health insurance policy.