
Urogynaecology is a sub-specialty of gynaecology which refers to the pelvic floor. Prolapse of your pelvic floor organs is common and can affect your bladder, womb (uterus) and bowel. Other conditions include overactive bladder, urinary and/or faecal incontinence. Treatment options can include physiotherapy, pessaries and it some cases surgery.

Many women attending this clinic have bladder control problems relating to physical exertion and/or bladder over activity (urinary frequency, urgency and the inability to 'hold on'). Other women may have related problems such as genital tract prolapse, bladder voiding dysfunction and recurrent urinary tract infections.

The Urogynaecology Clinic operates with the Department of Physiotherapy and the Department of Midwifery & Nursing to provide multidisciplinary team care.

Treatment options include:

Referral to the service is via your GP by HEALTHLINK or post.

Our Resources

Pelvic Floor & Urinary Incontinence

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises