Perinatal Mental Health

Together with your Obstetrician, the midwives and everyone involved in your care here at The Coombe, we want to ensure that you have the best possible experience of pregnancy and post birth.

Pregnancy is a time of great change; physical, emotional and psychological. It is important to be mindful of your emotional health and well being during this time. It is normal to feel a wide range of emotions including; excitement, joy, worry, stress and responsibility. You are also pregnant during a very unusual time; a global pandemic, which contributes to new and unexpected challenges.

You may need additional support in relation to your mental health if;

  • Your symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks.

  • Your symptoms interfere with your ability to work or to carry out your usual day to day activities.

  • Your symptoms cause considerable upset and distress.

  • You have suffered from mental health difficulties in the past.

Mental health difficulties in pregnancy and after the birth of your baby are relatively common. Up to 1 in 5 women will experience a mental health problem in pregnancy or in the first year after birth. If you have suffered from a mental health problem in the past, you may be more vulnerable to relapse at this time.

This is nothing to feel ashamed of. With the right help and support, you will get back on track and begin to grow in confidence as a Mum and enjoy being with your baby.

Who we are

We are the specialist perinatal mental health team here in The Coombe Hospital.

Our team is made up of the following specialists in perinatal mental health;

  • Consultant Psychiatrist

  • Psychiatry Registrars

  • Clinical Nurse Specialists (including in CBT)

  • Mental Health Midwife

  • Senior Clinical Psychologist and,

  • Senior Social Worker

What do we do

We will provide you with any specialist intervention you need in relation to mental health difficulties you may be experiencing in pregnancy and post-partum. These interventions include; medication, psychological therapy, psycho-social support, information and advice.

How to access the service

If you are currently experiencing a mental health difficulty or have suffered from a mental health difficulty in the past, please request a referral to our team. You can be referred by any of the professionals in the hospital involved in your care, such as the doctors, midwives, allied health professionals. You can also be referred in by your G.P., community mental health team or your public health nurse.

You can contact the specialist perinatal mental health service on 01 4085569.

We are here to support you

Hear from Dr Sabrina Coyle, Senior Clinical Psychologist at The Coombe and her colleague Conal Harpur, Clinical Nurse Specialist and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist as they support you on this journey to becoming a Mum.


Guided Relaxations

The below are guided relaxations provided by Dr. Sabrina Coyle our Senior Clinical Psychologist in Specialist Perinatal Mental Health.

Belly Breathing

This is a very brief relaxation tool which you can use anytime you’re feeling anxious. Continue to practice for at least 3 minutes. And remember that the more you practice and the better you get, the more useful this will be. This is also a skill you can use when you’re out and about, as with practice you will no longer need to place your hands on your belly to connect with the sensation of breathing.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Like the previous exercise, this is skill you can learn to help manage the physiological symptoms of anxiety. Like all skills, this one needs practice.

Mindfulness of the Breath

This is a gentle exercise which you can practise at any time, particularly if your mind is feeling busy. With practise this exercise can help to bring you back into the moment and stay with what’s going on for you right now.

Mothers in Mind

If you would like more information on our services, please download this booklet developed by our specialist perinatal mental health team - Mothers in Mind.

Links to useful websites and resources
