Parent Education Parenting


Practical Baby Care


A new baby doesn’t need much in the first few weeks – to be nurtured and kept warm, to have lots skin to skin contact and to be kept clean. A new baby needs to feel safe and to know that you are there. To be talked to and to have plenty of eye contact. To listen to gentle music and feel secure in a quiet and calm environment.

The aim of this video is to prepare parents for the practicalities of looking after their baby in the early weeks after birth.



Maternal Wellbeing After Birth


Having a baby is an incredibly precious time of a woman’s life and although there can be challenges along the way, it is a whole new chapter in your life and one that can be so rewarding. Your experience of parenting and becoming a new mother will be so dependent on you taking great care of yourself during pregnancy and after birth and seeking social support in your community and from family and friends. As a new mother you are equally important as your new baby.  Your baby needs you to be recovering well and to be looked after by others after birth.

The aim of this video is to prepare women for recovery after birth and in the early weeks of parenting.



Transition to Parenthood


As you move towards the end of your pregnancy, your journey into parenthood is about to begin. Becoming a parent can be one of the most wonderful experiences of your life but research has shown that particularly first time parenthood can be challenging for many people. There are a number of factors that influence this transition.

During the pregnancy it can be hard to see beyond labour and birth but parenthood is going to last a lot longer than the birth so it is beneficial to do some preparation.

Don’t forget you will be learning on the job. Take it day by day, one step at a time. Your baby doesn’t need perfect parents, he or she just needs you to be good enough.

The aim of this video is to help you prepare for the transition to parenthood, discuss some of the challenges and how you might overcome these.



Tummy Time


In this video we discuss tummy time and how to do it with your baby. You can start tummy time from the day your baby is born.



Plagiocephaly (Flat Head)


This video is designed to give you tips to prevent your baby developing plagiocephaly otherwise known as flat head.



Eating During Breastfeeding


In this video we will talk about tips for eating well during breastfeeding.